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  • gragustafson

How social media effects your mental health

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

Being on social media for years has effected my life and probably yours too. We have people whose jobs are to post and make money. We base our moods by who saw our story, how many likes we got, or who left us on read.

Social media is a weird platform because we tend to tell everyone everything about our lives. We overshare. We constantly judge others and ourselves based off what we see on our feeds. We can't communicate because our form of communication is through sending pictures of our faces. We use social media as a replacement to real-world connection.

This is what my generation has come to. All of this forms a toxic addiction that sadly, too many people have.

We focus on the way we look, the amount of likes we get, what activity you're missing out. Knowing all this information is not necessary. It effects our mental health without us even knowing. Social media has made us feel isolated and lonely and this can cause poor mental health, escalating in anxiety and depression. If we were to take a break from social media it would be extremely hard at first but by doing it, you get a sense of peace in the end. You don't know what people are doing and quite honestly, you don't need to know what everyone is doing at every moment.

I challenge you to stop trying to compare yourself to others. You are beautiful the way you are. There is no need to want to be someone else. I challenge you to try to go a couple days without it or at least try to limit your time on it.

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